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Mixed Leadership
Taking the lead together
Mit Catriona McLaughlin, Christian Berg, Dr. Joana Breidenbach, Prof. Dr. Bettina Wiese, Prof. Dr. Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky, Martin Herr and Vincent Immanuel Speer, Dr. Simone Burel, Barbara Lutz und Prof. Dr. Jutta Allmendinger
Videokurs mit 4 Kapiteln, 224 Minuten
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Mixed Leadership

Taking the lead together
Mit Catriona McLaughlin, Christian Berg, Dr. Joana Breidenbach, Prof. Dr. Bettina Wiese, Prof. Dr. Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky, Martin Herr and Vincent Immanuel Speer, Dr. Simone Burel, Barbara Lutz und Prof. Dr. Jutta Allmendinger
Videokurs mit 4 Kapiteln, 224 Minuten
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Mixed teams are driving innovation

The video course »Mixed Leadership: Taking the lead together« provides a scientifically sound demonstration of how companies benefit from mixed leadership teams. Embracing the perspectives of different genders is essential for promoting innovation, attracting and addressing customers, and creating a ...

... corporate culture that all employees can identify with. Modern management know-how and a strong connection with employees are key to respectful cooperation within the management team. Supported by a number of practical examples, this online course will explain why organizations with mixed management teams are better equipped in the long term.

HR departments can only gain

The course also touches on how HR departments can identify and promote female talent within their workforce. With the help of gender-appropriate language in job advertisements or internal communications, for example, recruiting can provide targeted support for career-oriented women and their advancement to senior positions. Forward-thinking human resources departments are specifically looking for high-performing, educated women to serve on »mixed leadership« teams together with their male colleagues. This approach benefits the entire company, as mixed teams have a positive impact on the way all employees work together.

Gender studies support empowerment

The course also explains in more detail how companies can support employees with children, especially women, in planning and pursuing their careers. Ultimately, people with similar prerequisites should have the same opportunities in the workplace—and also be compensated equally. Renowned experts with backgrounds in science and business will debunk prejudices and traditional stereotypes. Their goal is to challenge the way people think: Women and men should be equally supported to take leading positions, and also be able to live a healthy work-life balance that allows for a strong performance in the first place. As a successful example, the Beiersdorf Group also showcases its approach to employing tandem teams in management positions, demonstrating: Job sharing is also possible at the highest level of decision-making. More diversity in top management or tandem leadership sets the stage for a greater variety of topics, which in turn makes for well-supported decisions and new approaches to solutions in day-to-day management. This requires breaking down outdated ways of thinking and structures that, to this day, still prevail in many organizations.

Strong personalities stand up for »Female Leadership«

Compared to other European countries, there are relatively few women in leadership positions in Germany, where »female leadership« is still a term not commonly used. This online course seeks to shed light on the structures and social perceptions that lead to the fact that here, it is still predominantly men who hold top positions. Furthermore, successful women such as Simone Menne, Fränzi Kühne, Tijen Onaran, Elly Oldenbourg and Katja Kraus provide specific and practical tips to promote female empowerment and gender equality in corporate management. They provide insights and share their experiences on how women in particular can position and empower themselves to be successful. Additionally, they explain how men benefit from greater gender equality and how it can help them break away from toxic stereotypes. This also highlights the support provided by professional networks.

These experts provide solutions!

This comprehensive video course outlines solutions for making New Work a promising field with the help of mixed leadership teams. Experts such as Prof. Dr. Jutta Allmendinger, Dr. Simone Burel, Prof. Dr. Bettina Wiese, Martin Speer, Prof. Dr. Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky, Vincent-Immanuel Herr, Dr. Joana Breidenbach and Christian Berg provide information that will both surprise and inspire you. It can help you understand the potential of diverse, mixed leadership teams, and demonstrates how they can be implemented within your organization. Because in the end, more gender equality benefits everyone.

4 Kapitel, 224 Minuten



Leading together: Opportunities, cultural change & »New Work«

Identifying advantages, leveraging opportunities05:59'
Who is leading the field in Germany? | Christian Berg, The Allbright Foundation15:39'
Diversity check
Influential voices: Stronger together06:17'
Competence-based leadership | Dr. Joana Breidenbach, entrepreneur/author16:14'

Identifying advantages, leveraging opportunities05:59'
Who is leading the field in Germany? | Christian Berg, The Allbright Foundation15:39'
Diversity check
Influential voices: Stronger together06:17'
Competence-based leadership | Dr. Joana Breidenbach, entrepreneur/author16:14'

Empowerment: Career, networks & family

Planning your career and leveraging existing networks02:29'
Will starting a family end your career? | Prof. Dr. Bettina Wiese, organizational psychologist12:47'
Influential voices: Female power07:35'
Excursion: Leveraging networks16:39'
Best practice: IT service provider Adesso06:46'

Planning your career and leveraging existing networks02:29'
Will starting a family end your career? | Prof. Dr. Bettina Wiese, organizational psychologist12:47'
Influential voices: Female power07:35'
Excursion: Leveraging networks16:39'
Best practice: IT service provider Adesso06:46'

Fix the system: Gender roles, privileges & job sharing

Leading together, learning from each other03:48'
Tackling bias | Prof. Dr. Irene Paula Villa-Braslavsky, sociologist19:26'
Checking your privilege: How privileged are you?
Influential voices: Against all odds07:13'
Feminism from a male perspective | Vincent-Immanuel Herr & Martin Speer, activists16:06'
Best practice: Consumer goods manufacturer Beiersdorf19:28'

Leading together, learning from each other03:48'
Tackling bias | Prof. Dr. Irene Paula Villa-Braslavsky, sociologist19:26'
Checking your privilege: How privileged are you?
Influential voices: Against all odds07:13'
Feminism from a male perspective | Vincent-Immanuel Herr & Martin Speer, activists16:06'
Best practice: Consumer goods manufacturer Beiersdorf19:28'

More success through equality: Language, KPIs & transformation

Shaping equality, measuring success02:43'
Gender-appropriate language | Dr. Simone Burel, linguist18:10'
Checklist: Job advertisements
Checking unconscious bias: How biased are we?
Influential voices: Visions of the future03:12'
Management tool for the advancement of women | Barbara Lutz, The Women´s Career Index16:19'
Best practice: Business & strategy consulting firm Accenture10:03'
Insights and an appeal | Prof. Dr. Jutta Allmendinger, sociologist17:48'

Shaping equality, measuring success02:43'
Gender-appropriate language | Dr. Simone Burel, linguist18:10'
Checklist: Job advertisements
Checking unconscious bias: How biased are we?
Influential voices: Visions of the future03:12'
Management tool for the advancement of women | Barbara Lutz, The Women´s Career Index16:19'
Best practice: Business & strategy consulting firm Accenture10:03'
Insights and an appeal | Prof. Dr. Jutta Allmendinger, sociologist17:48'

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Über unsere Dozent*innen

Catriona McLaughlin
Presented by

Catriona McLaughlin

is a German-American journalist, author and founder of the strategy consultancy N°RTH PARK and CM Consulting. She lives in Berlin and regularly gives talks on the topics of new work, innovation, female leadership, and the future of communication. She teaches management at the Macromedia University of Applied Sciences. Before starting her own business, she headed the content strategy of the management consultancy Accenture. She has reported on American business, culture and politics for DIE ZEIT, among others.

(Photo credit: Joseph Ruben Heicks)
Prof. Dr. h. c. Jutta Allmendinger, Ph.D.
In interview with

Prof. Dr. h. c. Jutta Allmendinger, Ph.D.

is a German sociologist. She has been President of the Social Science Research Centre Berlin since 2007. She received her doctorate (PhD) from Harvard University in 1987. From 1988 to 1991 she was a research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, then at Harvard Business School. In her research she is primarily concerned with the question of how people's life courses are shaped by institutions, education, the labour market, but also the welfare state.

(Photo credit: WZB/David Ausserhofer)
Christian Berg
In interview with

Christian Berg

was born in Stockholm, he studied at the Stockholm School of Economics. He was a diplomat from 1995 to 2015, most recently as Head of Department for Press, Culture and Economic Promotion at the Swedish Embassy in Berlin. Since 2016, he has been part of the management board of the AllBright Foundation, which campaigns for more women and diversity in business leadership positions.

(Photo credit: Joseph Ruben Heicks)
Dr. Joana Breidenbach
In interview with

Dr. Joana Breidenbach

is a cultural scholar, author, and internet entrepreneur. She is a member of the supervisory board of gut.org gAG, co-founder of the donation platform betterplace.org, and founder of the think tank betterplace lab. As an investor, Joana Breidenbach is involved in the FemTech company Clue, the translation software DeepL, nebenan.de, The Next We, and the ReDi School for Digital Inclusion, among others. She also appears as a speaker at political events.

(Photo credit: Joseph Ruben Heicks)
Barbara Lutz
In interview with

Barbara Lutz

is the founder of the Women's Career Index and managing director and shareholder of the consulting and management company Barbara Lutz Index Management GmbH. Before founding her own company, she worked in various management positions at market leaders in the banking sector, in management consultancy and in the advertising industry. She was an external consultant and expert for the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. She is a sought-after expert and speaker on the topics of »Women and Careers«.

(Photo credit: Joseph Ruben Heicks)
Prof. Dr. Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky
In interview with

Prof. Dr. Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky

is Chair of General Sociology and Gender Studies at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Munich (LMU). Her research and teaching focuses on gender studies, sociological theories, sociology of the body, sociology of culture/cultural studies, socialisation and subject concepts, and mothers/fathers. She assumes that people are not women or men per se in the social sense, but primarily by being recognised by others as women or men in everyday actions.

(Photo credit: Joseph Ruben Heicks)
Dr. Simone Burel
In interview with

Dr. Simone Burel

is the managing director of LUB GmbH, which she founded in 2015 on the basis of her dissertation on the language of DAX 30 companies. She has received several awards for her research and practical work, including the highly prestigious business development prize from the city of Mannheim. She is also Chair of the Advisory Board of Spenoki GmbH and acts as a mentor for various universities and in executive training on gender, diversity & language for corporations, universities and ministries.

(Photo credit: Joseph Ruben Heicks)
Vincent-Immanuel Herr
In interview with

Vincent-Immanuel Herr

is a German activist, historian and feminist. He engages on a range of political and social issues through publications and political campaigns. He gained fame as part of the author and activist team Herr & Speer with the #FreeInterrail initiative, the open letter #EsIstZeit and his commitment as a feminist. His work focuses on intergenerational justice, European integration, democracy and gender justice.

(Photo credit: Phil Dera)
Martin Speer
In interview with

Martin Speer

is a German activist, economist and political communicator. He devotes himself to a range of social and political issues, publishing articles in newspapers and initiating political campaigns. He gained fame as part of the author and activist team Herr & Speer with the FreeInterrail initiative, the open letter #EsIstZeit and his advocacy for intergenerational justice. His work focuses on European integration, democracy and intergenerational and gender justice.

(Photo credit: Phil Dera)
Influential voices

Fränzi Kühne – founder, supervisory board | Ninia Binias, artist name Ninia LaGrande – moderator, author, poetry slammer, podcaster | Simone Menne – international top manager, supervisory board member | Britta Zur – police chief, lawyer | Katja Kraus – former manager in professional soccer, managing partner | Elly Oldenbourg – manager, coach, speaker
Prof. Dr. Bettina Wiese
In interview with

Prof. Dr. Bettina Wiese

is an occupational and organisational psychologist at the University of Aachen. In her research, she explores, among other things, which personal and contextual conditions influence people's decisions. The focus is on predicting the realisation of career goals, but also the possible change or departure from original career plans.

(Photo credit: Joseph Ruben Heicks)
Influential voices

Claudia Kessler – aerospace engineer, founder of the foundation »Die Astronautin« | Tina Hildebrandt – chief correspondent & head of the capital city bureau of »DIE ZEIT« | Tijen Onaran – founder, managing director, speaker, coach | Jasmin Arbabian-Vogel – founder, entrepreneur, president of the Association of German Women Entrepreneurs (VDU) | Eliza Diekmann – mayor, journalist | Tina Heine – founder, lecturer at the University of Music & Theatre Hamburg & at the University Mozarteum Salzburg, speaker | Ana-Christina Grohnert – chairwoman of the board »Charta der Vielfalt«, top manager, author


Ein Blick in den Kurs

Der Kurs besteht aus Kapiteln im Videoformat. Hier finden Sie einige Ausschnitte aus dem Kurs.

Mixed Leadership E-Book
Das E-Book zum Kurs

You can also download the supporting material related to the video course »Mixed Leadership – Taking the lead together« as a PDF file. Here, you'll find the most important insights from the course conveniently summarized. The high-quality design of the booklet ensures a positive learning experience and provides you with all the information you need.


Das sagen unsere Kund*innen
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T. Feldbinder
Great course on a topic that finally deserves more attention. Very exciting excursions and super competent lecturers. It was nice to see that there are figures, data and facts that prove that diverse management floors bring real added value. Mixed Leadership – it’s worth it!