11 Bewertungen
Psychology of Leadership: Organizations
Mit Prof. Dr. Niels Van Quaquebeke
Videokurs mit 5 Kapiteln, 141 Minuten
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Psychology of Leadership: Organizations

Mit Prof. Dr. Niels Van Quaquebeke
Videokurs mit 5 Kapiteln, 141 Minuten
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»Culture eats strategy for breakfast«- Peter Drucker

The culture of an organization gives a guiding light to all its members against which all business strategy pales in comparison. An effective corporate culture is one that knows and clearly communicates its values and what it ...

... means to be an employee at this company. Good leaders thus understand that culture provides an indirect, but very powerful, form of leadership and it is their job to not only understand, but also to consciously shape it.

Against this background, the internationally renowned organizational psychologist, Prof. Niels Van Quaquebeke, takes participants of this leadership seminar on a deep dive into the psychology of organizations. He starts by illustrating how a corporate culture can be analyzed and highlights the various effects it implicitly and explicitly has within an organization. Subsequent seminar parts cover how to succesfully transform corporate cultures and the concrete leadership steps it entails.

The one constant? Change!

How companies deal with change, how they communicate the process, and how they stay dynamically adaptive are paramount to staying competitive. This online seminar explains why leaders on the ground are the key actors in all of these processes, and how – by way of corporate culture - they can lead their organizations through an ever more volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) business environment.

An exciting learning journey awaits you

Becoming a better leader requires continuous learning and awareness of the many ways in which you can lead. It is in their orchestration that your leadership can realize its full potential. The various tools and reflections in this seminar will help participants not only to understand organizational culture, but also to consciously shape it.

Follow up with parts 1 and 2, »Psychology of Leadership: Individuals« and »Psychology of Leadership: Teams«.

5 Kapitel, 141 Minuten



Overview – what you will learn in this seminar

Overview – what you will learn in this seminar04:33'
Getting the basics right09:37'
Side note: Differences between values, missions, goals, and visions03:42'
Online tool

Overview – what you will learn in this seminar04:33'
Getting the basics right09:37'
Side note: Differences between values, missions, goals, and visions03:42'
Online tool

Organizational culture – the art of indirect leadership

Organizational culture – the art of indirect leadership01:24'
How to understand corporate culture02:21'
What are the artefacts of a company culture?07:04'
What artefacts tell us about companies04:39'
Exercise: Using artefacts to remind your team of its core mission00:23'
Corporate values: Enacted or just espoused?05:03'
Mindsets and beliefs: How we can still be blind while seeing02:04'
Exercise: Know and shape your organization’s culture03:13'

Organizational culture – the art of indirect leadership01:24'
How to understand corporate culture02:21'
What are the artefacts of a company culture?07:04'
What artefacts tell us about companies04:39'
Exercise: Using artefacts to remind your team of its core mission00:23'
Corporate values: Enacted or just espoused?05:03'
Mindsets and beliefs: How we can still be blind while seeing02:04'
Exercise: Know and shape your organization’s culture03:13'

Organizational change – guiding people through change

Organizational change – guiding people through change03:58'
Why transformation is so cumbersome02:34'
About flexible organizations and forging processes06:18'
How to initiate change02:29'
How to create coalitions for change02:19'
How consistent implementation determines the success of the transformation08:20'
Side note: Substitutes for leadership05:21'

Organizational change – guiding people through change03:58'
Why transformation is so cumbersome02:34'
About flexible organizations and forging processes06:18'
How to initiate change02:29'
How to create coalitions for change02:19'
How consistent implementation determines the success of the transformation08:20'
Side note: Substitutes for leadership05:21'

The adaptive organization – productive balances for continuous renewal

The adaptive organization – productive balances for continuous renewal02:08'
Why contradictions cause tension within organizations10:03'
How ambidextrous leadership can meet modern demands within organizations05:31'
Exercise: Now, new, next01:04'
Tool: The value square06:51'
Tool: Design Sprints06:40'

The adaptive organization – productive balances for continuous renewal02:08'
Why contradictions cause tension within organizations10:03'
How ambidextrous leadership can meet modern demands within organizations05:31'
Exercise: Now, new, next01:04'
Tool: The value square06:51'
Tool: Design Sprints06:40'

Conclusion – turning insights into habits

Conclusion – turning insights into habits01:56'
Exercise: A message to my future self02:05'
Example: A Message to my future self
Exercise: Allies, part one02:00'
Exercise: Allies, part two00:51'
Tool: Peer supervision11:49'
Side note: Ikigai02:59'
Be your own architect02:54'

Conclusion – turning insights into habits01:56'
Exercise: A message to my future self02:05'
Example: A Message to my future self
Exercise: Allies, part one02:00'
Exercise: Allies, part two00:51'
Tool: Peer supervision11:49'
Side note: Ikigai02:59'
Be your own architect02:54'

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Über unsere Dozent*innen

Prof. Dr. Niels Van Quaquebeke
Präsentiert von

Prof. Dr. Niels Van Quaquebeke

Organizational psychologist and professor Niels Van Quaquebeke has spent the last fifteen years on the topics of psychology of leadership, conflict management, and negotiation. Since 2011, the internationally renowned expert has been researching and teaching at the Kühne Logistics University in Hamburg. His research covers topics from improving leadership in humanitarian aid operations to identifying digital substitutes for leadership. In line with his philosophy »Understanding humans, moving humans«, Niels Van Quaquebeke advocates for a sound understanding of human nature as the foundation for better leadership.


Ein Blick in den Kurs

Der Kurs besteht aus Kapiteln im Videoformat. Hier finden Sie einige Ausschnitte aus dem Kurs.


Das sagen unsere Kund*innen
(Durchschnitt aller Bewertungen)
star_ratestar_ratestar_ratestar_ratestar_rate 91%
star_ratestar_ratestar_ratestar_rate 9%
star_ratestar_ratestar_rate 0%
star_ratestar_rate 0%
star_rate 0%
M. Schulte
very good seminar
U. Zimmermann
Insgesamt sehr gut gemacht, tolle Lerneinheiten, interessanter Aufbau
B. Raddatz
Very good
D. Strass
sehr gut gemacht; formatbedingt leider kein Dialog möglich (deswegen keine 5 Punkte)
R. De Bruyn
Organizational issues very focused and with big impact
H. Brader
viele sehr gute praxisnahe Hinweise, sehr kompakt, gut verständlich
C. Martinez
Understanding an organization is as useful as understanding a human being. By doing it you can better attune your work towards the organization's goals more efficiently. This course will help you get that deep understanding for both working as a part of an organization as well as managing it.
M. Schulze
I really enjoyed following the seminar!
R. Reuther
Many questions you never really asked yourself but that are highly relevant in an organizational context are answered by Prof. Dr. Van Quaquebeke. Especially interesting in my point of view are the sections organizational culture and organizational change.
L. Kiragu
Organizations are one of the challenging topics to touch on because it's so broad and sometimes we forget the bigger picture of us as an organization and not just us as a department/ team. But Prof. Niels offers a refreshing take on the key aspects of organizational culture, change leadership and so much more